This Aleksanteri Conference will be the seventh in the series of annual, multidisciplinary, international conferences organized by the Aleksanteri Institute. The Aleksanteri Institute, the Finnish Centre for Russian and Eastern European Studies, is affiliated with the University of Helsinki. It operates as a national and international centre of research, study and expertise pertaining to Russia, the countries of the former Soviet Union and post-socialist countries in Europe, with a focus on the social sciences and the humanities.

Aleksanteri Conferences have attracted broad interest among researchers and policy-makers in a wide variety of disciplines, both in Finland and abroad. These have included top decision-makers and other actors interested in the development of post-socialist countries. During recent years the Conference has had around one hundred participants.

Participants and observers who do not wish to give a paper are also welcome to take part in the 7th Annual Aleksanteri Conference. Registration is required.

See also::


2007-11-29 12:00:00


2007-12-01 16:00:00




Alexanteri Institut

Aleksanteri-instituutti on Helsingin yliopiston alainen, valtakunnallinen Venäjän ja itäisen Euroopan tutkimuskeskus. Se palvelee Venäjän ja itäisen Euroopan tutkimuksen, opetuksen ja tuntemuksen kenttää erityisesti yhteiskuntatieteiden ja humanististen tieteiden alalla. Instituutti koordinoi ja edistää yhteistyötä ja vuoropuhelua akateemisen maailman, hallinnon, päättäjien, elinkeinoelämän ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan välillä sekä Suomessa että kansainvälisesti.