O зверей

Aus der animalischen Philosophie entwickelt Oxana Timofeeva eine Revue der Tiere in der europäischen Kultur – von der Bibel bis zur Psychoanalyse und unserer Tagespolitik. Wenn wir die Autorin in einer englischen Vorstellung zu Wort kommen lassen: My research consists of a historical analysis of different modes of representation of the animal in theory as well as in the arts. A critical genealogy of the discourses of animality in its philosophical, aesthetic and political aspects reprises the metaphysical tradition, which is based on the humanist model of subjectivity. There are two types of classical philosophical discourse that focus on the animal. The discourse of exclusion starts with the ethical and ontological predominance of the ‘human’, whereas the discourse of inclusion insists on the affinity of all levels of being. But these two discourses are related: the play of inside and outside, of inclusion and exclusion, is a sort of device, which establishes a kind of borderline between the self and the ‘animal’ other. The question of the animal is the question of subjectivity and power, and it demands a historical analysis. It is important to note that there are no animals in official history, because animality has traditionally been consigned to non-historical nature. I intend to produce a kind of philosophical ‘history of the animal’ through a political ontology of art and, in the course of writing this history, to mark certain points where philosophical and artistic animals encounter one other. I will cover an analysis of the figure of the animal at the historical crossroads of art, politics and philosophy, revealing the connection between animal representations in aesthetics with worldviews, ideologies, narratives and dispositives of power.

In diesem Zusammenhang sei auf das Gespräch mit Jean-Luc Nancy und Artem Magun hingewiesen  http://www.chtodelat.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=198%3Athe-question-of-the-common-and-the-responsibility-of-the-universal&catid=133%3A9-what-do-we-have-in-common&Itemid=308&lang=en

und auf einen ihrer letzten Aufsätze in der Neuen Literaturrundschau Бедная жизнь: зоотехник Високовский против философа Хайдеггера. [Armes Leben: der Tierarzthelfer Visokovskij gegen den Philosophen Heidegger] http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2010/106/ti8.html

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2011-03-14 17:00:00


2011-03-14 19:07:00


Timofeeva, Oxana

Philosophin, arbeitet bei der Neuen L



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