Figuli, Margita

Margita Figuli is a significant representative of the Slovak school of naturalism. Her works started to be published in 1930 in Slovenská nedeľa (Slovak Sunday), Elán (Spirit), Slovenské pohľady (Slovak views) and other periodicals. Love, compassion, and current social problems were prevalent in her writing. Her best works were translated into German, Russian, Polish, and other languages.

List of selected works


* 1932 - List od otca (Letter from father)

* 1938 - Čierny býk (Black bull)

* 1940 - Olovený vták (Lead bird)

* 1940 - Tri gaštanové kone (Three chestnut horses)

* 1942 - Tri noci a tri sny (Three nights and three dreams)

* 1946 - Babylon

* 1973 - Rebeka (Rebecca)

* 1974 - Vietor v nás (Wind within us)

For children and young people

* 1963 - Môj prvý list (My first letter)

* 1964 - Ariadnina niť (Ariadna's yarn)

* 1980 - Balada o Jurovi Jánošíkovi (Ballad about Juro Jánošík)

See also

Personal Data

Frau Figuli, Margita
City: Vyšný Kubín
Phone Number:
Mobile Phone:
Born in: 1909-10-02
Place of Birth:
Died in:
Place of death:
Morena, Oľga Morena