The concept of Immanence in Philosophy and the Arts

The notion of immanence has become a key concept for contemporary philosophies. For Deleuze, Nietzsche and Spinoza developed the purest plane of immanence that made no compromise at all with transcendence. But the value of the category of immanence has also been variously conceived, by subsequent thinkers from Alain Badiou to François Laruelle. At the same time, artists from Antonin Artaud to Allan Kaprow have contributed to the thought of immanence in their emphasis on art as a worldly, material practice.

This workshop conference intends to clarify the significance of the concept of immanence in contemporary philosophy and the arts. Organized by the PEEK-Project (AR275-G21) “Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-based-research” (led by Arno Böhler), sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund.

With contributions from: Babich, Babette // Badura, Jens // Boehler, Arno // Cull, Laura // de Assis, Paulo // Feltham, Oliver // Formis, Barbara // Granzer, Susanne Valerie // Hauser, Jack // Holzer, Sabina // Lagaay, Alice // Mendelssohn, Anna // O’ Maoilearca, John // Poelstra, Frans // Rokem, Freddie // Sauvagnargues, Anne // Samsonow, Elisabeth von // Schäfer, Elisabeth // Sommer, Andreas Urs // Steinweg, Marcus // Zepke, Stephen


philosophy on stage



5. Mai 2016


7. Mai 2016

Starting time

18.00 Uhr


Arno Böhler
Gründer des Philosophie und Performancefestivals
“Philosophy On Stage” (GRENZ_film, wiener kulturwerkstätte)

Arno Böhler, geb. 1963 in Dornbirn (Österreich)

Universitätsdozent Dr. habil. am
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Wien

Tel: (01) 4277 46401
Fax: (01) 4277 9464
E-mail: arno.boehler [at]

Leiter des FWF-PEEK-Forschungsprojektes
“Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based Research” (2014-2017) (AR 275-G21)
Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien

Sprechstunden: Dienstags, 9.45-10.45 Uhr
Dozentinnen-Zimmer, D 0304, 3. Stock, NIG